Drug Rehabs in Framingham, MA

America is in the grip of an addiction epidemic -- to alcohol, opioids, and other drugs. Yet, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, only 2 out of 10 people who are addicted receive drug and alcohol rehab treatment. Addicts remain without treatment for a number of reasons -- denial, inability to pay for treatment, and worries about confidentiality are all concerns. For most people, however, it is a simple lack of trust in the rehab process. If this is you, the information here helps you understand how drug rehabs in Framingham really work. Framingham Alcohol Treatment Centers offer a free advisory service to help you or your loved ones who struggle with addiction receive compensation from our featured or sponsored listing.

Treatment Works When You Know What to Look For

The term evidence-based treatment is often thrown about, but many tend to be unsure of what it really means. Relapse prevention programs in Framingham are proven to be effective in maintaining sobriety.

The answer is, evidence-based treatment incorporates treatment ideas that are scientifically valid -- they are ideas proven and accepted by the scientific community.

To understand what evidence-based practice really means, it can help to be shown examples that do not meet the standards required.

  • Drug-free detox: This practice is followed by drug and alcohol rehab centers run by various religious organizations that believe that detox that uses drug replacement medications such as methadone are unacceptable. Methadone, however, is scientifically proven to help patients fight their cravings.
  • Rapid detox: While this is an approach attempted in various forms of medical research, it isn't a proven method yet. In fact, there is great risk involved in attempting to fast-forward a detox course under sedation with heavy doses of medication. Death and brain damage are both known to occur.
  • Twelve-step programs: These programs are in wide use, and it may be a good idea to try them. These programs, however, are a form of drug-free treatment, and will not work for most people. It's okay to accept twelve-step programs, but not as the primary path that one takes out of addiction.

What Does Evidence-Based Treatment Look Like?

Personalized, individual treatment programs: If you would be surprised to see a doctor hand out a prescription for an infection with no tests done and no specific questions asked, you should be surprised to see a drug rehab center attempt anything like it. Addiction is one of the most complex disorders known, and treatment, to be successful, needs in-depth investigations and the creation of personalized treatment plans. Only the best programs for drug rehabs in Framingham are as meticulous.

Dual-diagnosis treatment: Poor mental health often precedes addiction. Psychiatric disorders affect a little more than half of all addicts, and psychological disorders affect nearly all. A rehab plan always needs to take aim at the mental health of patients with intensive psychiatric and psychological treatment if it is to help them stay sober once medical detox in Framingham concludes. There are good dual-diagnosis drug rehabs in Framingham, but you need to look for it.

Inpatient treatment: Most people suffering from addiction are not able to motivate themselves to stay on a course of rehab treatment; they are not able to stay away from drugs; they have no family who will support them in their efforts; they suffer from psychiatric disorders, multiple drug addictions and other conditions that complicate their recovery. In such cases, checking into an inpatient drug addiction rehab for quality treatment around the clock is essential.

In-depth therapy: Addiction is primarily a psychological disorder. It can only be corrected through psychological therapy. Every successful rehab program greatly stresses quality psychological therapy -- individual therapy, family therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Finally, an evidence-based treatment program needs to constantly reevaluate and recalibrate. Different approaches work for different patients, and even with the best investigations, it can be impossible to determine to start out, what kind of medications and therapy might work best. Constant observation and course correction are necessary for any evidence-based program.

Look for Scientific Rigor

When you look for drug rehabs in Framingham, look for scientific attitude. It's possible to determine such an attitude with a few simple questions about the ideas mentioned above. All you need to do is to determine to put effort into finding a good rehab. When properly performed on evidence-based methods, rehab is routinely successful. Determining a rehab's evidence-based credentials is all that's needed. Call Framingham Alcohol Treatment Centers today to speak with an addiction advisor at (877) 804-1531. We will match you with a top-of-the-line drug rehab in Framingham, or one nearby.

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